November 29, 2012

Critical Hits

This didn't quite fit in the previous post, but I recently had a thought regarding critical hits in my vitality/wounds system. I essentially want to define two types of critical hits. The first is a critical success--a concept borrowed from skill rolls. If you beat your target's DV by a certain amount (probably 5), you deal additional damage, probably equal to your weapon damage but possibly as high as double damage. Success by 10 could result in tripling. However, this damage is still all applied to Vitality unless it's the killing blow. The other type of critical hit is the one players of D&D are familiar with, the natural 20. This type of critical hit would deal wound damage. There's no need for a critical confirmation roll, because the scaling damage depending on how much you hit by already accounts for whether it's a solid hit (only needed a 10 to begin with) or extreme luck (you needed a 19).

This creates room for different weapon abilities related to critical hits. Some weapons could have better chances to deal extra damage--say when you beat the target DV by 4 or 8 instead of 5 or 10. Or they could have different effects on a critical success--maybe you don't get extra damage, but you do get a free trip attempt. Others could have better chances to cause wounds. There are a lot of possibilities, and should make for some nice flavor in the weapon selection.

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